
this message may be offensive
Alright boys. Times… well they’re looking pretty grim. Not only was it previously announced that Activision’s already going back on their word to release what’s more than likely going to be a half baked game that’s slow as shit, and Bungie announced that due to the literal firing of over 70% of staff they will have to delay Final Shape until June, but today’s your last day to unleash your beast. So, tonight, get out there, be as horny as can be, and if you’re going to a party, watch out for anything weird in your drink, and grab that girl you like by the pussy and fuck her lights out. Because tomorrow? Well I’ll be hosting a shit ton of Halo games on Infinite until the end of November


You alive still?


Btw already sent a discord request?


Also that's not necessarily but still like damn why start off with the hostility??? I thought we were chill last time we spoke?


... what did I do to you???? 


this message may be offensive
Alright boys. Times… well they’re looking pretty grim. Not only was it previously announced that Activision’s already going back on their word to release what’s more than likely going to be a half baked game that’s slow as shit, and Bungie announced that due to the literal firing of over 70% of staff they will have to delay Final Shape until June, but today’s your last day to unleash your beast. So, tonight, get out there, be as horny as can be, and if you’re going to a party, watch out for anything weird in your drink, and grab that girl you like by the pussy and fuck her lights out. Because tomorrow? Well I’ll be hosting a shit ton of Halo games on Infinite until the end of November


Alright so many of you, (probably most of you) didn’t really read my Greener Pastures story. But I’m going to start rewriting it in chapter format. The original is always something I’m going to be proud of, however, I couldn’t explore nearly as much as I would have like due to how much it would’ve dragged. So tell me something. For those of you who’ve read the original, what were some of your favorite moments that you want to see more fleshed out? Personally? I really wanted to explore the Bakugou side up to the reunion.
          As for those who haven’t, what’s something you would like to see that hasn’t really been shown off in the original source? How another hero school does their teaching. The only trade/blue collar job we’ve really seen done in MHA is Support. Hero work isn’t considered a trade by me only because it’s pretty much law enforcement with extra steps.
          Anyways, expect much of the same, seeing as how it’s going to be based off a fic that itself is based off another source.


So. Does anyone else feel like the latest MHA chapter was just a whole bunch of stuff thrown into the blender, seasoned with the absolute ass sweat of Michelle Rodriguez, mixed with the force of twelve piled up German musclemen, and then served with the waiter saying “Eat up, Chucklenuts! This is all you get for now!” Like, where do I start?


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Bro I literally just read the chapter and that shit go hard as hell and that shot lady nagant hit was insane 


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Spent time with the new Wattpad update and can say I’m liking it. The fact that (on mobile finally) I can reply to comments that give the “Offensive” tag is great as I don’t have to fucking care about what’s sensitive or type the person’s username out just for a reply