Ello fellow slytherin, I finished reading your book “The true heir of Salazar Slytherin.” I am beyond in love with the stories and the character, I am inlove with how you handled the trauma Hadrian had to face and how he’s grown to move past and learn from that.
I just finished chapter 1 of the next book of the series and I am beyond devastating exitement. If this is only 1 of your book. I am HELL BENT on reading the other ones.
Thank you for writing this book; it was a truly heartwarming story that I love. Thank you for taking time for yourself irl, I hope your still alive and enjoying the gifts life has to offer you. I hope I’ll be able to read the next chapter of that book someday.
Keep writing youre amazing at it.
Thank you so very much. ❤️❤️❤️ o7