I know I haven’t updated this story in a long while and I have been working towards getting chapters out. I have the motivation to write, but at the same time, I don’t. I have other things going on in my life at the moment that are beginning to weigh me down. I have put a lot of thought into what I should do in order to help myself and the decision hasn’t come easy.
To those who don’t know I am currently in college and on my last semester as a Junior. In the fall I’ll be a Senior and I’ll need to start planning for graduate school before May 2022.
On top of that, I think Covid-19 and Quarantine have severely messed with my mental health. I’ve been cooped up inside all the time with no social interactions that I’m pretty sure I’m losing my mind. I have been home with my parents throughout all this and that too has played into my mental health. I love them, but there is only so much I can stand.
I am not a kid anymore, I’m 22 and I need to get my life on track as well as what I want to do in the future. I need to start looking for a job that can support me and pay for my schooling and other necessities that I will need.
This decision hasn’t been an easy one; I’ve thought of other ways to manage things without giving something up, but there isn’t. I’ve taken a long break from this story, and in that time, I’ve tried to work through my problems and continue with what I love, but it hasn’t helped. It only added more stress, because I know all of you are waiting on me to update and weeks pass by with nothing new.
In order to get my life on track and to focus on my career as a child psychologist, I have to put writing to the side for the time being. I am not giving it up completely, but nothing new will be published. I may even unpublish the story at some point since it isn’t done, and it won’t be for a long time. I know this will disappointing to a lot of people, but I need to focus on myself right now.
This is goodbye for now.