
Hey Everyone, 
          		I can’t believe the last message I posted was back in 2021. It’s now 2024, almost 2025! The saying “time moves faster when you are older" isn't just a silly little phrase. It’s true. The number of times I wish I could go back to the time where I spent countless hours working on my stories without having to worry about all the requirements of being an adult. 
          	I miss it. 
          	I’m posting this as a life update to you. To let you guys know, I’m still kicking. I’m here! I’m just in the background now. I still write and create like I want to, however, I have moved on from writing fanfiction all together. I have been working on my own original works for the last few years. They are still in progress but they are coming together. I haven’t been writing as much as I used to with my job but I am hoping to change that. 
          	I work as a preschool teacher. I love it! It has its ups and downs, but that can be expected when working with 4 year old children. They melt your heart just as much as they drive you nuts. It’s worth all the headache and frustration knowing I'm helping them in the end. 
          		How are all of you are doing. What’s new with you?


Hey Everyone, 
          	I can’t believe the last message I posted was back in 2021. It’s now 2024, almost 2025! The saying “time moves faster when you are older" isn't just a silly little phrase. It’s true. The number of times I wish I could go back to the time where I spent countless hours working on my stories without having to worry about all the requirements of being an adult. 
          I miss it. 
          I’m posting this as a life update to you. To let you guys know, I’m still kicking. I’m here! I’m just in the background now. I still write and create like I want to, however, I have moved on from writing fanfiction all together. I have been working on my own original works for the last few years. They are still in progress but they are coming together. I haven’t been writing as much as I used to with my job but I am hoping to change that. 
          I work as a preschool teacher. I love it! It has its ups and downs, but that can be expected when working with 4 year old children. They melt your heart just as much as they drive you nuts. It’s worth all the headache and frustration knowing I'm helping them in the end. 
          	How are all of you are doing. What’s new with you?


Hey guys! 
          I know it has been nearly a full year since I have been active on here. I wanted to check in with all of you and ask how you've been. I hope you all have been well and staying healthy. 
          As for my stories, all of them have been taken down. I haven't been able to spend a lot of time on any of them since taking on another minor. It's been a bit aggravating that I haven't been able to put much attention towards writing, but I am hoping to make up for it soon. I have a lot of ideas that I plan to turn into books and I am super excited for them. 
          I have had time to think about where I would like to take the Fate of the Goddess and I have decided to rewrite the entire thing removing the Percy Jackson storyline completely. I will be making it 100% my own. I am currently working on the plot and details in my free time.  So, I hope to start working on the actual story soon.
          I'll definitely post when I have more completed with the planning. 
          Stay healthy!


@DinaRiddle770 I've been doing alright. Just been busy with school. I'm almost done with undergrad school, which I'm excited for.


I know I haven’t updated this story in a long while and I have been working towards getting chapters out. I have the motivation to write, but at the same time, I don’t. I have other things going on in my life at the moment that are beginning to weigh me down. I have put a lot of thought into what I should do in order to help myself and the decision hasn’t come easy. 
          To those who don’t know I am currently in college and on my last semester as a Junior. In the fall I’ll be a Senior and I’ll need to start planning for graduate school before May 2022. 
          On top of that, I think Covid-19 and Quarantine have severely messed with my mental health. I’ve been cooped up inside all the time with no social interactions that I’m pretty sure I’m losing my mind. I have been home with my parents throughout all this and that too has played into my mental health. I love them, but there is only so much I can stand. 
          I am not a kid anymore, I’m 22 and I need to get my life on track as well as what I want to do in the future. I need to start looking for a job that can support me and pay for my schooling and other necessities that I will need. 
          This decision hasn’t been an easy one; I’ve thought of other ways to manage things without giving something up, but there isn’t. I’ve taken a long break from this story, and in that time, I’ve tried to work through my problems and continue with what I love, but it hasn’t helped. It only added more stress, because I know all of you are waiting on me to update and weeks pass by with nothing new. 
          In order to get my life on track and to focus on my career as a child psychologist, I have to put writing to the side for the time being. I am not giving it up completely, but nothing new will be published. I may even unpublish the story at some point since it isn’t done, and it won’t be for a long time. I know this will disappointing to a lot of people, but I need to focus on myself right now. 
          This is goodbye for now.


I swear 2021 isn't my year and it's only one month in. 
          I was so stoked to update and had planned to do last-minute edits before publishing it. Well -- and I say this with a little resentment to Microsoft word-- the entire document... the entire chapter that I have spent so long on is gone and I can't find it. I have to rewrite the entire thing and that will take me a few days to do. 
          I'm sorry guys no new update.  


@JasminZRose It’s ok breathe and everything will be ok ✨✨


Hey guys, I was planning on updating today, but my mom needed me to drive her to her doctor appointment.  Her eye is swelled shut again and she's having a hard time seeing, so update will be out tomorrow.  


@DinaRiddle770  Thank you. I don't know why Wattpad didn't give me a notification.


Guys! Guys! Guys!
          I think I am finally over my writer's block! The next chapter to The Fate of A Goddess: The Sea of Monsters is almost at a 1000 word count and should be coming out in the next few days. Hopefully it's smooth sailing from there with the other chapters.


I want to update, I promise you that!
           Every time I try to write I simply can't find the energy to focus. I know what I want to write and I have it in my mind, but my brain cannot put the words on the page!! I have tried writing the same chapter for almost a month and... and there is literally no progress. 332 words! I can usually write within 6000 per day, what is wrong with me!!!!


It's not quite midnight where I am yet, but I wanted to say Happy New Year to all of you. I know this year has been a struggle, with ups and downs but hopefully, 2021 will bring great things. Celebrate the new year safely and I hope all of you are well.


I had to clear my history on my computer because my browser wasn't working properly, in doing that it cleared all my history and logged me out of everything. I logged into my wattpad, but I clicked an old email that I completely forgot was linked to a wattpad account.  I was freaking out because I couldn't find Fate of the Goddess anywhere... well if only I read the name of the account I would have realized why that story wasn't on there. 
          I also have a story draft on that account... which can I just say, I thought was someone else's story that I just happened to like and save. I read the summary of it and was like this sounds good, I should read it... I click on it, only to realize I was the one who wrote it.
          Any of you ever have that happen? Like when you read a chapter after a few days or even a story you disregarded for a while, and it leaves you smiling ear to ear because it sounds so good (something one could never conjure up in a million years). The immediate thought of whoever wrote that is a freaking genius only to realize in an odd silence that the very thing you read was your own creation. And then you get super happy because there is evidence that suggests that you truly have improved in writing and you can't help but swell with pride.
          No? Just me.... okay. 
          I know I said updates were coming this week, but my dad made plans to have someone come out to the house to give an estimate on our windows. My mom works from home full time so cleaning up everything has fallen upon my shoulder. A heavy burden it is to carry... 
          A bit dramatic, I know but I have been deprived of social interactions and it appears I have lost the ability to properly use my brain in the sense of keeping a message on point. 
          In truth, I have no idea what the point of this was, but I hope all of you are doing wonderful and keeping safe. 2021 is upon us!!!!