Are you still on this app lmao? If you ever read this, you definitely don't remember me but we used to chat a long time ago- (my name was like broppylover or smth I was so cringey) But I remembered this app and you were the only user I could think of (lmfao I had no friends) Trolls 3 just reminded me of my wattpad days Anyways, hope you're doing well! (Ik your last chat here was in 2021 and we talked in like 2018 but hey pookie)

I'm doing fine, school kinda sucks as always though What did you think of Trolls 3? My inner 8-year-old was screaming

Hey! Yeah, I still browse here regularly. I agree with the whole “Trolls 3 reminding me of Wattpad, even though I know my writing days are behind me. I unfortunately have the memory of a goldfish but I think I remember you. I am doing okay for now. How bout you?