
Hey, everyone! The holidays are rolling right around the corner, and I just want everyone to know I won't be posting until next year. So, for everyone, have a happy Hanukkah, a merry Christmas, and a fantastic Kwanzaa!


I think it's time for a change..."The Five Secrets_Ezra Gatley" will have a new cover coming to it soon! This one is going to represent important future events better, and it'll be a bit more formal. I hope everybody enjoys their Sunday. Only 18 more days until Thanksgiving!


Hi, everyone! I'm going to be on vacation for the next few days, and then I have another 6 day event going on, so I won't be able to post anything for some time. But I promise, the second I can, I'll add the beginning of the new chapter. 
          Also, I'm planning on beginning to write another story, which is based off of the book by E. Lockhart, called "We Were Liars." This is not going to be the same as this novel, though it will have a plot twist, and will have a similar love story. If you already have read this, don't spoil it for anyone else! I hope you'll enjoy it, and thank you!
           I also just want to say thank you to all the views on the stories. I appreciate them so much!