
I am currently writing chapter 6 of The King of the Woods, which is coming along quite nicely if I do say so myself. Hehe. Anyway, I hope you's are excited to read it. FYI, I released the prologue for anyone who wants a 'sneak peak' at it. Thanks!


Hello! I am soooooo excited to release a sneak peak of The King of the Wood! And by ‘sneak peak’, I mean the prologue. And I might as well say this, but I will not be releasing a new chapter when ever it is completed and edited; I will publish it when the whole story is completed. This will ensure that I will have enough time to properly edit and proofread.
          Basically, I will be publishing the short prologue now :)
          Thank you!!


Hello writers! I am so delighted to announce that I am starting to write a new book after Static. I will take a break from the United series and commence writing The King of the Woods. 
          The King of the Woods is about Roman and Norse mythology uniting and a 16-year-old demigod named Jason, who must find his brother's hammer. A second demigod, the son of the Norse god Vidar, is obliged to obtain his father's shoe. They realise that a significant threat, the Achilles Order, is coming to Olympus. To preserve both Roman and Norse worlds, the two demigods must unite the best warriors, Roman and Norse.
          I can't wait! I hope you cannot too!