
Check out my new release!


Though it's over a month late, I finally edited my mew story "The Better Half of Us" and for any Venom fans I highly recommend. Sorry that it took me so long, and I really hope you like it, It's my favorite story that I've made yet. I plan to realease chapter 2, if it's enjoyed, around the 25th of November. The third chapter is in the works as of now, and is planned to be realeased on my birthday, December 22. I leave this info to you, happy travels, peace.


For any that care, or any that care to read it, I'm working on a Venon inspired story about a demon and a man. I've been told by a friend that it's their favourite story of man, and if I've any fans I'm sure you'll enjoy the story very much, I'm proud of it so far and I've 2 chapters down, I plan to release the first chapter on October 20th so watch out for that, right, I'm going to work on some other stories. This was to keep those who are actually interested up to date, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy.


Creative? No, let the sins of yesterday linger tomorrow. Go, live your life. Love your friends. Fall to your knees or rise! For in the end you, you are the one who controls the limits of tomorrow. Maybe you choose who dies. Maybe you die. Maybe your next.  Are the leader? Are you the saint? I guess you'll find out once you create A Check in the Win Column.  Tomorrow.