
I keep forgetting about this platform. Since I can't say which other one I'm finding more success, I'll just say that WP really doesn't offer much anymore. Brighton: A New Era will be placed on here when it is finished, but A Blue Ridge Romance won't be available.


I keep forgetting about this platform. Since I can't say which other one I'm finding more success, I'll just say that WP really doesn't offer much anymore. Brighton: A New Era will be placed on here when it is finished, but A Blue Ridge Romance won't be available.


It's been a while since I've posted. How has everyone been? Sorry for my extended absence, but I've been busy at work being the only person literally in my department. Plus, last year, my wife and I bought a home, so we've been busy with that and add in my son, who graduated from high school, took focus away from my work on here. Thi gs are beginning to settle some, and I'm healing from an old injury that's been acting up lately. I am coming back!