

I love you more than I love hot chocolate on Christmas. HA


Wow that's big


You're incredibly beautiful (and before you say "how would you even know, you have never seen me before") I know that you're beautiful because the most beautiful people are always the ones who don't see it in themselves, they have lost their true selves. They have lost touch with the fact that all women are made beautiful. Maybe not beautiful by Hollywood’s standards but beautiful all the same. Beautiful because they have the power to bring forth new life and nurture it. Beautiful because women are relational creatures who naturally are drawn to others. Beautiful because they have the power to allure lovers, children, friends, and society. Beautiful because there is a Goddess in every woman Learning to accept and love oneself that is true beauty. Honoring that part of yourself and realizing you are so much more.
          True beauty comes from within, we as women and especially teenaged girls judge ourselves according to how others see us and think we have to look a certain way, that is superficial beauty. 


Omg. Thank you so much. Love you baby girl