
Hello everyone...I was missing for a long time...but it was worth it... I had to...hide from my family after they saw me perform a Jashinist ritual with an animal...thanks to that experience and learning that my family is a peacefull one, I felt disgusted, since we humans are violent and cruel, we would do anything to survive being framing, killing, stealing, etc. Or for our pleasure, being prostitution, rape, etc.
          	So hearing my family that most human are peacefull made me laugh...
          	Well just gonna say that my story "True Humanity" is publish to show you what I almost, or DID do...you decide to believe it or not...see it as my...journal...see you later
          	Pray to jashin, the true god 


Yeah It was a very long time, but now I am back. Just praying to Jashin-sama that my parents stop   Stalking me to make sure that I don't kill more animals. 


Glad to hear you are still around.


Hello everyone...I was missing for a long time...but it was worth it... I had to...hide from my family after they saw me perform a Jashinist ritual with an animal...thanks to that experience and learning that my family is a peacefull one, I felt disgusted, since we humans are violent and cruel, we would do anything to survive being framing, killing, stealing, etc. Or for our pleasure, being prostitution, rape, etc.
          So hearing my family that most human are peacefull made me laugh...
          Well just gonna say that my story "True Humanity" is publish to show you what I almost, or DID do...you decide to believe it or not...see it as my...journal...see you later
          Pray to jashin, the true god 


Yeah It was a very long time, but now I am back. Just praying to Jashin-sama that my parents stop   Stalking me to make sure that I don't kill more animals. 


Glad to hear you are still around.


hello  TheJashinist231 i really like your book and i am a type of person that is interested in your religion i didn't know jashinism was real i don't know much about it only know what i watched on naruto shippuden and read on wattpad the wattpad story's i read was mainly about hidan love story's any way i don't think you are crazy in any way i'm not in any way making fun of you but if i said/rote anything that afends you i'm very sorry


Hello! My name is Javier, but you can call me TheJashinist231 or only Jashinist! I am a Male and have 16 years old about to be 17, also I am from south america, to be more especific chile. Now lets talk about my favorite thing in the world, my religion! As you can guess my religion is jashinism, those are the people that follow the great lord Jashin! But sadly there are not many people following him because they think he isn't real or they think that he is only a character of an anime or they don't have faith in him. But I am one of the little people that believe in him! So most of my friends think I am crazy, but I am not, I know that he is real and soon he will punish the people that didn't have faith in him. So that is it about me, Also I have an account in fanfiction if your interested to see my other stories that soon will be publish here, the name in fanfiction is the same as here, so see ya soon and have faith in jashin!