
People are asking for me to update the Broly/Goku story but I read back on it and I'm not sure what more I could even add to it. I think I left it off on a place I'm comfortable with atm but I might write OTHER Broly/Goku stuff in the future that has nothing to do with those stories!


People are asking for me to update the Broly/Goku story but I read back on it and I'm not sure what more I could even add to it. I think I left it off on a place I'm comfortable with atm but I might write OTHER Broly/Goku stuff in the future that has nothing to do with those stories!


Think I might come back here. What fics of mine do y'all want updated? I might just re-write them now since its been so long and post some more.


@Galaxy_connie Gonna attempt to finish it up!


Goku and Vegeta a love story please i find it really interesting! 


To everyone who is following me:
          I both fell like I have neglected coming online for too long, or maybe I took just a long enough of a break I needed to get my writing and drawing skills to a comfortable level. Hoping to be back in soon with the writing! Lots of ideas in my head lately, none on paper though... Yet.
          As for the stories I have posted on here, I am not planning on updating any of them in the future. They are all projects I have no interest in continuing unfortunately. If a lot of people message me with ideas for the future of those stories and I get enough motivation, I may continue them. But as of right now I have no interest in the DBZ fandom anymore, and I am trying to write my own original stories and get them out into the world.
          I hope you will understand and will continue to support me in these choices for my future.
          I apologize for leaving you guys hanging for so long, and once I get back into the spirit I still may update. As of now, I'm not planning on it.
          Thank you for taking the time to read this, it means a lot to me.
          ~Natalie Evans


My apologies to anyone waiting for an update on my DBZ fics! I got into The Evil Within after watching Markiplier play it, and I want to write that fanfiction to just try out a few different things in my writing and expand my style. I'll update them as soon as I can though! Also, I'm busy with family and school so if I update a lot that means I'm home that day or have been writing a lot at one time.
          Thanks to all my followers! Have a nice day!


Your stories are really well written with an awesome plot! To be honest, YOU DESERVE A LOT MORE FOLLOWERS AND READS THANN WHAT YOU HAVE NOW!!!!!
          Your stories are just that awesome! :3


@Nellie_Cake25  Thank you so much! I have followers on my other accounts, but this is my newest account so not many people who enjoy my stories have gone on here yet. But thank you!!! -hugs-