
Chapter 31 
          	Be Hayaai ke Nuqsaanaat 
          	Publishing soon..   
          	After she had completed, she raised her hands in supplication, and before she could even utter a word, the tears poured down her cheeks. 
          	Duaa is not only that which is uttered with the tongue, sometimes, duaa is made silently, pleading with your Rabb. Somtimes the most sincere Duaas are those, in which tears pour down your cheeks, the silent supplications from the crevices of your heart, with no words, rather emotions. Sometimes you feel so overwhelmed, that your tongue doesn't know what to utter, but your heart bleeds with pain. 
          	Even though she hardly could make sense of what she uttered, she was content, for she knew that Allaah سبحانه وتعالى understands the pleas of the heart, even when no coherent words were uttered. Allaah سبحانه وتعالى knows what we feel, even without us mentioning. Allaah سبحانه وتعالى knows what we think, even without us verbalizing.


Assalamualaikum/ hey!
          If you are someone who love to hide their face behind the book which contains mysterious stuff with a touch of spirituality to connect you to the characters in a deeper way, then check out my new book.
          'A Mazed Heart' contains a mysterious plot, thrilling tale and a lot of suspense to indulge in. 
          If you love the Mystery/Thriller genre, then check out this book.
          It's also a spiritual book focusing mainly on spirituality from varied dimensions. Check out this book if you are intrigued by this genre.
          Attaching the link of AMH below. 
          And yeah, don't forget to leave your thoughts. It is the only prize and price an author gets for all of his hardwork :)


Hey there! I need your help to find a book I can't remember the title of T-T 
          The guy's name was Zayn and the girl's name was Arisa. They were forcefully married or arranged marriage. The guy's mother dies while giving birth to him and then his father passed away bcoz of this. Zayn has a lot of siblings which are very older than him. One of his brother's name was Ahmed ig and sister name was Aliya. 
          Zayn is broody and rude and doesn't get along well with his family and Arisa.
          Arisa was raised by her aunt and her parents passed away too. She was abused by her family. Even the guy also abuses her in the story ig. The ending was something like it was Zayn's bday and they celebrate it in Paris and Arisa surprises him by calling over his family. Please help me out.


Chapter 31 
          Be Hayaai ke Nuqsaanaat 
          Publishing soon..   
          After she had completed, she raised her hands in supplication, and before she could even utter a word, the tears poured down her cheeks. 
          Duaa is not only that which is uttered with the tongue, sometimes, duaa is made silently, pleading with your Rabb. Somtimes the most sincere Duaas are those, in which tears pour down your cheeks, the silent supplications from the crevices of your heart, with no words, rather emotions. Sometimes you feel so overwhelmed, that your tongue doesn't know what to utter, but your heart bleeds with pain. 
          Even though she hardly could make sense of what she uttered, she was content, for she knew that Allaah سبحانه وتعالى understands the pleas of the heart, even when no coherent words were uttered. Allaah سبحانه وتعالى knows what we feel, even without us mentioning. Allaah سبحانه وتعالى knows what we think, even without us verbalizing.


Assalamualaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. ♥️
          Chapter 31 of Be Hayaai Ki Nuqsaanaat is being written. In Shaa Allaah it will be published soon. 
          Another 10-12 chapters and this book will come to an end in Shaa Allaah. 
          I can't say when exactly it will end, but I will try my best to end it before the end of July in Shaa Allaah. 
          After July my life might become even busier than before. Alhamdulillah, Allaah سبحانه وتعالى has showered us with His mercy and blessed us. I am expecting my third baby. In Shaa Allaah I hope to complete atleast this book before my hands are full and days are super busy again.
          Please remember me, my precious little girls & my family in your special duaas.
          With lots of love 
          Juwayriyah ♥️


@BintiMahmood Aameen♥️♥️


            I can't wait for the post 
            Allah Ta'ala grant you a healthy pregnancy and baby with Aafiyah. آميـــــــن 


Contentment lies, not in the splendor of decor & vibrantly decorated houses. Laughter, peace & love makes a home.
          What use is there of a house, that does not feel like a home? 
          Comfort lies,not in the extravagance this world has to offer. Rather, serenity often is felt in the most humble of abodes & simplest of places.
          What use  is there of extravagance, if in it lies no serenity? 
          Blood does not necessarily define family, Unity, understanding, support, & love makes a family. 
          What use is family, when they're not able to rejoice at your happiness & lend a shoulder in your difficulty? 
          Often, amidst the wealthy, a sense of distance, cold demeanor & ingenuine behavior is felt. Amongst the less wealthy, radiates warmth, hospitality & genuine love, creating a sense of belonging. 
          What use is wealth, If it causes you to lift your head in pride & demean others?



a small token of kindness [25th june 2022] 
          maps of mishaps, fortune stored in cages; where the sun has set, fate has begun its appraisal.
          past and past, walks the line of lotuses; threaded veins and hearts made of needles. 
          daisy deaths and massacres; bodies of dust and rotten comforters. 
          murky predators, red velvet throats; beaches and octobers, stubborn sea salt.
          what hurts water, how can it be pure? venom as sweet as rose poison, lemon juice and milk of a mother. 
          build a home, breathe into life, hold the thorn, hold the daffodil; keep the tendrils of vulnerability under the sky. 
          fight against the clock frozen with ink, the mind that has burrowed itself in air filled with tender knives. 
          as water cuts a stone, as snow rests upon the gold; a drop of tear left unnoticed in a desert. 
          hairs and springs of a fountain blue, the stars drenched in velvet; pearls that drown the earth in rain. 
          winks of clouds and veil of the sun; wars a home of the old, the blood soaked land a curse for the young. 
          petrichor rings the bell, the rain carries your shadows and envelopes; fostered flowers caressed by dirt. 
          how many a petal we throw to the forests, radical hope and cottage courage; and when the light is dim, surrender to the storm starving. 
          words and willow trees, pines and fallacies; what is empty, talks, the air and the wings of tongues. 
          how many silences are bribed with the musk of hearts; how many poisoned, entrapped, by the scar of youth?
          they say life is a journey; nay, life is a house that was once lived in; insipid and defensive. 


a small token of kindness [16th june 2022] 
          meshes of moon scattered on the lake, a poet's grave; a wildfire graceful and kissed by rain. 
          soaked youth in yellow twigs; in boots and noons of malicious spring. 
          sweet as chocolate, bitterness subdued; what is this spring but a death that lures? 
          hands of maidens with cherry blossoms, a cure to the eye and a disease to what lays hidden; mind and magic to the world, a golden lung to the forgotten ones. 
          filled with temper, a baby breath against a caterpillar; white linen doused with earth's cold summer. 
          part and pardon, wish and risk; a heart that is prisoned in a cage is not worth a heart that battles. 
          lotuses carved on sour tongues, in places of disasters, of deceit; in cities of citrus. 
          place thy feet in armours of cherries, melted crystals and awakened violins. 
          saccharine sea bulbs, choruses of rainbow dancing as a wizard; aiming for the stars, wrists cuffed by freedom. 
          berries smeared with passionate blood, with nutmeg wounds and hazelnut deaths.
          fill the bowl of the ocean, fill it to the brim; what it lacks is present in drops put into humans. 
          what is motherless requires not a different earth; kindness changes not people, but reveals their raw flesh. 
          [kindness does not change people; it reveals their raw flesh, their real identity] 


a small token of kindness 
          【12th june 2022】 
          the night has its shadows, blue and grey; masked in apple's seeds, agony bathed. 
          stand in the route, be miserly in calmness; there is a devil shrouded in an eye's fountains. 
          drift like a white whale, amidst memories; from aches of cure to cures of fantasies. 
          transcend life from that present on fingertips, linger near bones, where art is kismet. 
          hollowed oranges, skins like lotuses; what we wear, we often throw. 
          a poet's backbone, a shark's tale; foam of taste buds lingering as fireflies in a throat. 
          mangoes, possums, bread and butter; a mouth of cicada symphonies, celestial dust. 
          watch the canary, year to year; dirt and snow emotions, cheeks of the earth. 
          shabby braids and cicada musings, burrowed sunsets and pastel bones. 
          metallic connections and feathered bangles, heads of spines and littered passages. 
          vines of grapes, of collectibles and peaches; pain of pollen, eclipsed sun and its eight witches. 
          foreign hands, hums of voices barren; silence heavy, storms and curtains. 
          blues of life and blues of disguises, shadows of night veiled by lanterns.
          maps and strangers, shores and shells; rib for a rib, hunt for a hunt; what you had the courage to bring into this world must be allowed to live, dreams or ephialtes. 
          (if you had the courage to dream of it, by no means do you lack the courage to live it)