Im writing this message to all the readers of Life Partner, I really need your help. I hope you guys do reply to this. I am writing the epilogue as all of you requested, but there is a small problem, I am thinking to change the POV. Usually the POV is of Taylor's or Harry's but this time I am thinking to try Emma (who will be 12 in the epilogue) or Anne (Harry's mum). SO I WANT YOU GUYS TO VOTEEEE!!
Reply to this and let me know what you will prefer to read, which POV you'd like most.
1) Harry
2) Taylor
3) Emma
4) Anne
Please do reply, also thank you for all the comments and votes. I am very thankful for all of it. Really grateful to every single one of you, for sticking by and reading. You guys wanted the epilogue so please help me :)