
That's the thing about pain: it demands to be felt.
          	You don't  get to choose if you get hurt in this world, but you sure have a say in who you allow to hurt you. I like my choices I hope she likes hers.
          	Some infinities are bigger than others.
          	A few of my favorite quotes from the fault in our stars. I recommend you  all read it.
          	I'm  out.


happy birthday 
          May God richly bless you , give you long life and prosperity 
          May your spirit reach new heights 
          As freely as a butterfly's wings
          May your heart be filled with joy 
          the profound joy of simple things 
          May may your journey in life continue in peace 
          As serene as early morning dew.


That's the thing about pain: it demands to be felt.
          You don't  get to choose if you get hurt in this world, but you sure have a say in who you allow to hurt you. I like my choices I hope she likes hers.
          Some infinities are bigger than others.
          A few of my favorite quotes from the fault in our stars. I recommend you  all read it.
          I'm  out.


          Too ANOINTED to be DISAPPOINTED  
          I refuse to be discouraged, to be sad or to cry
          I refuse to be down hearted and this is the reason why:
          I have a GOD who is almighty
          Who is sovereign and supreme
          I have a GOD who loves me 
          And I am on his TEAM
          I refuse to be DEFEATED
          my eyes are on my GOD
          He has promised to be with me
          Through this LIFE I trod.


Today's little birdie said,
          Cinderella walked on broken glass
          Aurora let a lifetime pass
          Belle fell in love with a hideous beast
          Jasmine married a common thief
          Ariel walked on land for love and life
          Snow white barely escaped the knife
          Rapunzel had to find a new dream
          Tiana kissed her prince and turned green
          Mulan left to be a man
          Pocahontas stayed to save her land
          It's all about the smiles and years
          Because love means facing your biggest fears......