
Hello everyone I'm back updating on The McCoy Sister so be on the look out for more chapter.


Ive decided that ill just leave Her Heart like it is. I still writing on The McCoy Sister's. So sorry of i dont update Her
          Heart. It just still i get so many chapters in on McCoy Sister's that i will update Her heart. So bee on the look out for my book.


I've just decided to take GSITH downthis coming march. I want to edit it and rewrite the story there might be some changes or not ibhavent decided this is just a spire of the moment. I now that Her Heart will be private so you'll have to follow me. I might even do the same for Ghetto stories in the hood too. And any more of my stories. I don't want anyone think they can copy my stories and think it theirs. 
          Love New Author 
          Jackquail Chism
          A.k.a (JayB18)
          Aka (New Ghetto Author Two)


Sorry I've been missing I action. I just started school and that were my time has been. I'll be trying to get Her Heart updated as so as possible. Then I'll hit you guys with Ghetto Stories:In The Hood. one that has been done. I'll let guys know more about Her last Hope kay. I know some of you has been waiting patiently for me to update. I see what I can do for you this weekend and next week.


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Just reposted/reupdated Ghetto Stories:In The Hood. So you can read that on my page. Also I'm putting Her Heart on hold for now til further notice. I want make sure I have everything going right with Her Heart. Then before you even fucking notice she'll be completed. I can't wait. So right now my foruse is on GSITH once I get a number of votes, comments, and people shares it then I'll be ready to get back on HH. So if you have question please feel free to message me. 
          with love  
          Jackquail Chism
          A.K.A (Jayb18)