
HAHAHA that moment when you switch apps for a while forgetting about the other app


What ship should I do next? I've got loads of stories but no ship to go with them... Or fandom


@JayCeaser why not a story book?


@JackaboiFan ooo yes I'll give that a try! I'll upload one soon... Should it be a one shot or story book?


@JayCeaser possibly a jacksepticeye fandom one, Marvin X JJ?


What is a name that fits an Active, Agreeable, Animated, Amusing, Bouncy, Bubbly, busy, Charismatic, Cheerful, Cute (acts cute), Energetic, Engaging, Friendly, Frolicking, Fun-loving, Funny, Happy, Light-hearted, Likes to be the centre of attention, Little actor, Little ray of sunshine, Never sits still, Outgoing, Positive, Random, Smiley, Social, Smiles at everyone, Talkative but when they are sad they are Lazy, Disagreeable, Lethargic, Boring, Dull, Idle, Cheerless, Unappealing, Inactive, Hostile, Serious, Miserable, Hates Attention, Ray of death, Stays still, Introverted, Negative, Systematic, Droopy, Antisocial, Smiles at no one, Taciturn? Whatever name is most said I’ll use it in my current/next story.


            Just kidding lol maybeee angie


Depends on if theyre female or male cuz thats highkey me in a nutshell 


Thanks for 235 reads, I know that only 2 people have actually read the whole book... But I'm still happy that people read it... I know that most people would get super happy and excited about this but this is seriously not that much but thank you still for the people who stuck around for the whole book. I'm gonna write chapter 30 tonight but I won't publish it until tomorrow. I have to do this just in case I won't get enough time to write it tomorrow! But thank you so so much for all of you even if you only read one chapter which doesn't make sense because "Fun and Games" has 30 reads and the rest of the chapters are all small numbers from 2-8 reads...? I don't know how that works but okay? Anyways thanks! I hope more people will read it so if you can please share, do that star thingy and comment on it! I love to see other people's comments. You guys are way better comedians than I am! Thank you and that is all for tonight (maybe unless I come up with something) bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi


OH MY GOD ALLURANCE IS SHADAM!!! think... Lance didn't want Allura to do that spirit thingy and yet she did it anyway. Allura died because of that, and Lance survived. Shiro thought about that and it scared him now he's scared to do anything dangerous or leave Curtis because of what could have happened to him happened to Allura


Honestly, I feel bad for James, he's actually a really good character and everyone used to or still does hate him. I mean god look at him, and it comes with really good stories, cheating on him, cheating with him, dating him to get back. Actually having good fanfics about him! People who like Klance too much are just stubborn that James is honestly really close to Lance, they could be brothers.  ooooooooooooooo Idea for a book someone write this down... wait. Anyways back to my point, James is really good and I don't care what you guys say I love him. Stop being so stubborn jeez


OH MY GOD!! I. have. made. A. discovery. Keith hated Lance in the begining because Lance looks and seems like his Dad like look at the two!! And Keith probably hated his dad because he kept so many secrets, and well he's his dad. I mean I can't date anyone who looks or sound like my parents! I would rather make out with the floor than date my parents replica. So maybe that's why he didn't like Lance in the beginning and the more that he accepted his dad he started to accept Lance too... Just a thought ya know


Ok so I know I didn't post yesterday... Please don't be mad at me, I have a really good 'excuse'. Something happened yesterday morning and I've been in pain ever since. I could barely stretch without pain, I'm feeling better today, I will try my hardest to publish twice. If you are wandering what time zone I'm in, I'm in Georgia time zone. Thank you and sorry for leaving you on that uh... Cliffhanger