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Hey, i would just like to thank you, cause you have seriously a gift for writing, the story “the hybrid puppy” you wrote was just amazing, and sometimes i read it again from how amazing that is. They way you could write about the characters is so amazing i can even put it to words, they never get out of character and all the story makes sense, without holes in the trama. Its really the best story i have ever read on wattpad. Your the only reason i still have this app. Im not really good at writing but after reading so many times this story i thought the least I could do, was thanking you. So thank you soooo much and i really hope you make a book put of this, and if you do ill surely buy it and read it once again because it deserves it. Hope your doing great, thank you again for this masterpiece. P.s. im sorry if there’s any grammar horrors , cause english is my third language and im way to lazy to check it.