I just finished your books "Les Puissants" in French. Rather I devoured them. Thank you so much because it was one of the best reads of my life, and God knows I spend this life reading. I love so many things in this story that I can't tell them all...
Gavar is just exceptional. The evolution of Jenner is surprising. Abi and Bouda are two opposites but I love them both for completely different reasons. There are too many characters for me to list them, but each of them is endearing in its own way. Except Crovan maybe :)
The political issues were not easy to follow but very interesting and unfortunately they reflect very well our current world. Parallels are excellent. The different atmospheres are totally immersive, there is nothing around me when I am immersed in this alternate world...
Finally, the romance between Luke and Silyen was perfect. Their personalities evolve with the plot, they are strong, intelligent, reckless and daring until the end...
I would like to talk about it for hours on end because it is a real crush. So thank you with all my heart for this amazing story ♡