
That moment when you see a notification and you think it’s one of the stories you saved in your library, only to find out that it’s someone replying to your comment. 


Nice Konosuba story my dude. *whispering to self*  Is my dude okay... Stupid Azire99, stupid. On a more serious note, nice story absorbing things is a really creative idea. Also about the reply to your comment, it was kind of a warning to people before they get into the game since they'll be absorbed in it and forget about everything else. It a bad addiction that you'll need to satisfy every other year if you're on the first the level of addiction however once you delve deeper into its community at that point you'll know you've gone too far and there's no coming back. Every minute nay second you need Skyrim, thankfully I had gone to the rehabilitation centre and I'm working on curing my addiction. (See what I did nay = Jay... Ok, I'll show myself the door).


Lmao no problem. Thanks! I also enjoy your story. Looking forward to more updates :)