I have finished the (extensive) second draft for Chapter 1, and the word count has totaled to over 5,500, so yeah, it’s gonna be a long one.
I have no idea when the release date is gonna be. I originally thought I’d finish this by late February, but, I was wrong. Idealistically, I’ll finish the first part and start posting chapters late 2022, but who knows.
In the meantime, I would really love some outside opinions on the current draft.
Perks: you get to read the second, more refined draft of each chapter and help give me some constructive criticism on the story elements, and you get to talk to me directly.
Cons: if you leak anything from the chapter, the FBI come for you :)
If you’d like to be one of these proofreaders, then please go ahead and message me, I’d really appreciate your help. I would prefer people who have either written fanfics or have read enough to tell what is or is not a good story.
Much obliged ;)