
Happy New Year!!! 
          	I’m sorry I haven’t updated in a while, thank you for sticking with me. Stories will updating soon hopefully 


Happy veterans day everyone. I'm sorry I've not been posting that often. I've been really busy with school and finals are coming up. But the semester is going to end soon so I'm hoping to be updating my two stories more often. Make sure to honor the men and women who fight for your country and enjoy your day off. Enjoy it for me, because I go to a military school and we are not taking veterans day off.


I just posted the first 2 chapter of my new story, Trust In Her. It's a Supercorp fanfic, I hope all of the Supercorp shippers enjoy. Please take the message in the second chapter about child abuse to heart. Please educate yourself and learn the signs. Thank you, and enjoy.


Thanks so much for reading and voting on Journey to Joseph! I really appreciate it :D


You’re too kind! So glad you’re enjoying it and hope you continue to read!


@rhymeswithfry Thank you for writing the story. I cant wait to read more, it's been awesome so far. Your phenomenal at writing and deserve every vote.