
Hi all. So I wanted to apologize for the length of time it’s taken me to finish editing my book. Life has taken me on one hell of a ride these past few months and I’m trying to reel it all it. I’m supposed to be moving in the next week or so, so hopefully after I get settled, I can get a chance to sit down and actually get back to writing. I’ve also started writing a new story in my notebook, and I’m really excited to give you guys a sneak peak. Soon! 


Hi all. So I wanted to apologize for the length of time it’s taken me to finish editing my book. Life has taken me on one hell of a ride these past few months and I’m trying to reel it all it. I’m supposed to be moving in the next week or so, so hopefully after I get settled, I can get a chance to sit down and actually get back to writing. I’ve also started writing a new story in my notebook, and I’m really excited to give you guys a sneak peak. Soon! 


YALL OMG OKAY so I've been reading these books for so long. I've sobbed, been elated with joy, been angry, stressed. THE WORKS. I can't wait to read this book gee zus. But these books are so beautifully written and done with so much hard work by @Joflower. So please please, take a moment of your time to check her stories out. You won't regret it. 


@Jayden_Balsom You give me too much credit for these (edited) first drafts.
            Thank you so much for sharing BEAST! ❤


So, to my discontent. I have decided to put "He's my mate..And my savior!?!" on hold. I just have lost the heart that I began writing it with. Im going to be writing a new book. Not entirely sure what it will entail but I have an idea of how I wish it to go. I appreciate the support I've had for HMSAMM but I just can't write more of it right now. Im sorry, and I hope you all can understand.


A lot of time has flown by, unfortunately within that time, writing has not been done. 
          But when I say that, I mean that the chapters being good enough to post is not going too well. I have several drafts of each chapter down, trying to decide which way to go about which chapter and it's throwing me off immensely. I'm trying so very hard to finish my book. But I've lost the want to do so. I may put it on hold for now, and just start another book. Maybe one I can actually find the time and will to write. And then later, come back to HMSAMM. *sigh* I'm sorry to those who wanted me to keep it up. But I just can't see myself writing any further right now. I'm at a road block. 


I appreciate everyone who is sticking with me on my book. I have a job that has me working really late night shifts and it's taking a lot out of me. I've been sick for almost 10 days now, so I sleep all day then work all night. But thank you to everyone still waiting patiently on me while I'm trying to edit my book. 
          Lots of love,


So hey everyone.. ::quickly cowers behind my laptop:: I've returned! Yippee I hope..I graduated high school, and am finally settled at home. So I have all the time in the world to update my story. Yay?
          I've changed quite a bit of the characters, the names, the qualities of each person. And I'm doing a lot of editing to the chapters, making sure sentences make sense, and making sure that it all works out. I am still looking for an editor for my stories to make this process a little faster for you guys, but no such luck. But I will figure it out, I always do. I really appreciate everyone who kept reading my story. I know its been hell trying to keep up with the way I'm back and forth but please just stick with me. I appreciate all of you, really. You've made me want to write again, and for that, I am thankful. Well, I hope you're having a nice morning, evening, or late stormy night like I am! Bye (:


Its been 3 months since I've written a message to you guys. Wowza.
          Well, I just wanted to let you know that I haven't been updating the chapters because of school. It really is such a heavy burden on me right now, so it's keeping me busy and away from you guys and writing more of my story. But I will be trying to update on my phone as I go along seeing as I won't always have access to my laptop. I hope I still have you guys as followers and readers. I feel as if my writing isn't worth waiting around for but thank you for those of you who are waiting. I appreciate you.


Great news guys! I finally got a new laptop! Which means I can update "He's my savior. And my mate?" Exciting right? I can't wait to get the chapters corrected and on point with the previous ones. I'm so sorry it's taken so long but I needed to get things worked out. After I take my SAT this weekend, I'll do my best to update. I'm so stoked to finally let out my inner thoughts for you guys in my story. Thanks for sticking with me!! (: 


So today is my birthday! I'm officially 18. I have to begin adulting soon which unfortunately means even less updating than I'm getting done. But I did want to let you guys know that with me getting a job, I'll have the money to get a laptop!! Yay! And if I have access to a laptop, and Internet, chapter will be getting done a lot quicker. I know I've sucked so badly at going through and editing the chapters but with school and find a job AND all of the senior activities at my school that I have to participate in, it's rough. I hardly have enough time to myself to think about what homework assignment I need to finish. (Or start, for that matter aha.)
          I really appreciate those who are sticking around my book. I really truly am sorry about not pulling through with the editing but I promise that soon, very soon I will have a laptop and more chapters. 
          Thank you!!