
60K op a secret mission, omg


It's here, we know it. Everyone does, but we deny. It screams at us, but we ignore. We all know what it wants to tell, but we ignore. We are all afraid, afraid of what it is screaming to us. We all know that it's true. But as long as we pretend not to hear it, it's not there. And when it's not there, then it's not true and when it's not true, we don't have to think about it. Because that's what we are afraid of, thinking. We think too small, and that makes us small. We shrink everyday. It can make us think big, it can make us grow. But we don't want to grow, we never will. So we ignore. It screams at us one last time, but we ignore. So it changes with us and shrinks. Untill there's nothing left.