As of right now, we're putting my dog down. I just wanna say I love you, and thank you for being happiest dog alive even though you were in so much pain. You followed my aunt around like she was the only person on earth. Every time she walked by, your head perked up, every time she tried to go to work you would follow her, every time she was with someone, you were by her side. You did so much for everyone, you taught an autistic girl how to walk, you made helped me fall asleep when I was having nightmares, you never left my aunt alone, and I will always remember you. I'm happy you were high as mofo on the block when you died so you didn't get to feel much pain in your last moments, all thanks to the Xanax and Oxycodan my aunt had you one lmao. RIP HyungLineWhore's doggie