@__The__Universe__ i did not delete yr messages why would i? Lmao i wouldn't even continue this conversation if i didn't want to, why try to delete yr messages?
I never said none of the fighters are dead but alr
SO YOU MEAN JUST CUZ ITS 1.7% population than its alright to kill em???? You just said "oh only 1% of population is killed so its not that much of an issue yk let Israel have the pass" LMFAO are you thick in head kid? Do you even know gaza is one of the most overpopulated country around the world thats why the percent is that low, 36 thousand do you even know thats not just a number, those were human beings, they had life, they had friends family lovers
they wanted to live, they did not die of natural diseases.
but they were murdered by your oh so dear israel?