Also, side note. I'm going to remove Parrish house for awhile.
Reading Lists
Also, side note. I'm going to remove Parrish house for awhile.
Also, side note. I'm going to remove Parrish house for awhile.
Hey all, Butts!!! Comment things that freak you out. Give me those irrational fears. Now that I've got your attention. I have been gone for a couple months. Which means I'm very behind on my readings. I had some hard writers block, I moved, and I had some health issues. BUT IM BACK! HECK YES. (And yes, I will pick back up on my readings.) For those who read Flower & Fiction be prepared for some very very heavy rewrites. The original idea was to write a very hard rough draft on wattpad and then see how it went. I think I may want to eventually publish it, so changes MUST be made. Disclaimer: The character named Aki was based off of a person in my life I wish to leave behind. (He was my ex, shocking and juicy right?) While I want to keep that character I'm going to create dramatic changes and maybe even change the name. MAYBE MESSAGE ME NEW NAMES! That might be fun. Other changes will most likely include changed events early on, and longer chapters. Please let me know what you think. If something isn't flowing right or working for you. Let me know. I missed wattpad and the people who buddy read with me. Never feel like you can't reach out to me even if I don't seem active. I'll get the notification and get my butt on it. ♥️♥️♥️
@livesdenisa Absolutely. Check mine out too while your at it. I find the more you read everyone's stuff on here you pick up some helpful tools. Congrats on joining the wattpad community. I hope you make some good friends and enjoy writing on here! ♥️
Hey! I took a few days off to adjust to the new quarantine situation. Weird stuff! Any-who, I'll resume reading the stories I was before the break. How have you all been handling isolation?
@JazlenBella That's exactly how I feel! I feel so tired but i'm not doing anything but messing with my sleep schedule.
@JazlenBella The first week was fun, trying new stuff in the kitchen, but now I really just want to sleep or go outside.
Hey Hey! Attention y'all Today marks the starting date of my scary college story! "Parrish House" BASED ON MY ACTUAL LIFE! I have changed names to keep identities secret. All characters are based on real people. Anyway! Please take a look! <3 It should be up sometime this weekend~ Also, side note. If I am reading your book but you haven't seen much of me it is because I am super busy! I'm still here tho!!!
@JazlenBella I'm looking forward to this. This story will probably be super relatable (the college part not the ghost part...).
Thanks for reading and voting on Wysteria!
INPUT NEEDED!!! So, I've been living in one of my college's dorms for about a year now. It's an old parrish. Meaning nuns and stuff used to live here. I personally have had a few strange experiences here. 99% of the student residents believe its haunted. The building is super old and we even had a catholic girl get the house blessed. Would anyone be interested in a story about this? Like a dramatized version of our creepy ass dorm?
Very.Cool. check the local library if there's going to be secret spooky info anywhere it'll be there
Thank you for the follow!
Just a quick morale booster for ya: your bio is the best thing I’ve ever read! I genuinely found myself giggling during a lecture that I wasn’t paying attention to
Hey Jazzlen Bella, This so the author of Child of Darkness. I just wanted to thank you for spending your precious time reading my story and voting for it. And the comments too. Hoping to hear more of you in future chapters!!
@AshOrion1307 of coarse. Thank you for reaching out to me. I wish you good luck on your story. Keep up the good work.
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