
Hey guys!!! Summer vacation is around the corner and I’m really excited! This summer I really want to work on my stories and make some short stories along the way. However I need your help  with ideas / topics they don’t come that easy to me so if you could leave me a comment of a short story you would like to read please do. Thanks!!! :D


Hey guys!!! Summer vacation is around the corner and I’m really excited! This summer I really want to work on my stories and make some short stories along the way. However I need your help  with ideas / topics they don’t come that easy to me so if you could leave me a comment of a short story you would like to read please do. Thanks!!! :D


Laziness has gotten the best out of me and I was working on this story but like I need help badly like bro I’m struggling. Plz get me out of this lazy stage and push me to write more because I do wanna keep writing.


Thank you soooo much for the support!!! 


@Jazzcuzzi do it gurl, ya got this, to get motivated think of amazing stuff that you may add to your story. :) Just do it lol