
¤I'm not sure If I will be continuing to post on wattpad, or publishing at all.I feel Like I'm a bad writer and no one really likes my books so I might just stop. I'm sorry if there are people who enjoy them, but I don't feel like I'm that good a writer like people say I am.. Mostly Sorry To Babes (Kaitlyn) and Oliver, I know you two like the books...I think... But if you guys can convince me once I promise I will continue the books I am writing now but that might be it. If I ever do update again it will be an old book from my writing book. Thanks♡


@Hahaimadreamer Thank you so much, it means alot!


Your an amazing writer. I'm in college level English and your writing style fits in perfectly please keep writing especially your book An accident turned into a purpose. I love it and have to find out what happens.  


@JazzieBabe420 its not that your a bad writer its just that your writing techniques are not of a mature writer. You  have  some really great ideas and i can see the potential . you should  keep writing if its something that you really love to do. Some  people are natural at using words to give striking images, bringing out emotion  and these are things that readers love and lean towards  while others like us learn on the way. The more you read and write  you will develop these techniques on the way and the more you will be able to get more people to gravitate towards your book. Its going to take sometime but you will get there


Hi! I just wanna ask that why did you stop the book 'accident turn into purpose'? It was amazing, it even blew my mind because of the "dream" I really love the book so please continue:'( i beg author


So os there going to be like a sequel or something?


@AngelEyesKitten Yey thanks a lot...:)


@AngelEyesKitten I'm thinking about getting back into that book, we'll see in time guys! Just knowi have not abandoned my books, ive just being going through alot of stuff at home and on the streets


¤I'm not sure If I will be continuing to post on wattpad, or publishing at all.I feel Like I'm a bad writer and no one really likes my books so I might just stop. I'm sorry if there are people who enjoy them, but I don't feel like I'm that good a writer like people say I am.. Mostly Sorry To Babes (Kaitlyn) and Oliver, I know you two like the books...I think... But if you guys can convince me once I promise I will continue the books I am writing now but that might be it. If I ever do update again it will be an old book from my writing book. Thanks♡


@Hahaimadreamer Thank you so much, it means alot!


Your an amazing writer. I'm in college level English and your writing style fits in perfectly please keep writing especially your book An accident turned into a purpose. I love it and have to find out what happens.  


@JazzieBabe420 its not that your a bad writer its just that your writing techniques are not of a mature writer. You  have  some really great ideas and i can see the potential . you should  keep writing if its something that you really love to do. Some  people are natural at using words to give striking images, bringing out emotion  and these are things that readers love and lean towards  while others like us learn on the way. The more you read and write  you will develop these techniques on the way and the more you will be able to get more people to gravitate towards your book. Its going to take sometime but you will get there