
I updated chapter 2 for DIL (Dangerously In Love). Go check it out. Vote, comment, share.


Hey guys, remember I was telling you I was thinking about writing a book? Well, my first chapter is now published so go ahead and read it. It is called Dangerously In Love. If you like Urban stories you might like this one. Please vote, comment, and share. Spread my book around and let people know that I have one out there. I appreciate it. Thank you loves


          To all of my followers, I will be writing a book of my own. I'm not quite sure what the title will be yet. Just be on the lookout for my book. It will be coming very soon. Now when it comes to my other book I co-write in, "In The Life Of Us", we are still brainstorming on this next chapter. Don't worry.


To All My Followers That Read "In The Life Of Us",
          The main writer ( @ShonnaLuvRedmon) and myself have decided to put the book on hold. I know we basically just started the book and I'm sorry guys but we're really having trouble with this next chapter. Our die hard readers we love you guys to death. We will update at one point and time but just know we WILL update. Thank you loves!


To all the readers that read the book I co-write in called "In The Life Of Us" I am so sorry for the delay. My partner and I, which is @ShonnaLuvRedmond , are trying to make sure everything is perfect so u guys can continue reading. We love each and every person who has read the few chapters we have posted for y'all. The 3rd chapter will be up soon. Please be on the look out. Thank you loves 


           To all of my followers, I know I said don't expect a book from me. But I didn't say I wouldn't co-write in one did I? No I did not. So I would like to introduce to you guys "In The Life Of Us". I am co-writing it with a personal friend of mine. You can follow her at @ShonnaLuvRedmon we would appreciate it if you go and read "In The Life Of Us". The first chap is already posted. Thank You