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Nothing I hate more than when people make statements like "its just a story" "its just a book" " this is fiction" when someone brings up an issue about a book. Like...are you not supposed to have thoughts or reflections about a book...? Is not that the whole point of writing stories? One thing about me is that I will analyze the fuk out of a book and I'm judging people that dont, because why are you even reading? Like I'd be on the comments section arguing with people and making debates about why a character did so and so or what not, then there's ALWAYS that dumbass person that just jumps in like "stop discussing it iTs NoT rEaL iTs JuSt A sToRy." So if the author says "Sally got on her unicorn today and rode to school" You're not gonna wonder why does she have a unicorn when this is supposed to be a contemporary romance and not fantasy? like..... Trust me we're aware that its a story duh, its still okay to discuss it and ask questions, its okay to form opinions and wonder about inaccuracies, or comment about characters etcc... THATS WHAT BOOKS ARE FOR.