
It’s been a week now and my friend is now back home. He doesn’t realize how much he scared everyone, which is wild considering this isn’t the first time this has happened. But now that he’s 100 % okay again I’m going to start updating more. Though probably not today as I’ve now hurt myself. I burnt my face and arm when a boiled egg exploded my face after I tried to reheat it in the microwave. I never knew that could happen- but one okay. Talk later listeners 


@Jcfuntime hopefully that recovers quickly. 


@ElqioktavianNur yeah it’s kinda late for that… it gave me a 2nd degree burn on my arm and a few on my face…


It’s been a week now and my friend is now back home. He doesn’t realize how much he scared everyone, which is wild considering this isn’t the first time this has happened. But now that he’s 100 % okay again I’m going to start updating more. Though probably not today as I’ve now hurt myself. I burnt my face and arm when a boiled egg exploded my face after I tried to reheat it in the microwave. I never knew that could happen- but one okay. Talk later listeners 


@Jcfuntime hopefully that recovers quickly. 


@ElqioktavianNur yeah it’s kinda late for that… it gave me a 2nd degree burn on my arm and a few on my face…


I’m going on haitus for a week.  I was going to post more today but something suddenly happened or a dear friend of mine. He’s alright now but there was a point where nobody knew what would happen. It’s shaken me a lot so for now I’m going to take a break from online. 
          I’ll update later 


@Jcfuntime good to hear he/she is ok


@ElqioktavianNur He is now but he had so many ppl worried.  He was all the way in Cali in a basketball tournament when it happened. (Were in Texas) and we had no idea what was happening or which hospital he was being taken too. It took hours before we found out if he was alive or not. Yesterday was an emotional roll coaster 


@Jcfuntime take all the time you need girl, you deserve it. And I hope that friend of yours is ok


Hey man/girl (don't know which one you are) just checking up on you. How you been doing lately hope you've been doing good


@Jcfuntime (with a gentleman voice) good to know my lady


Hiya! I’m good. And I’m a girl. 


          Hey Boboiboy peeps. Now that the Windara arc is finally over I have some complaints 
          No it’s not about Beliung’s outfit. I actually liked what they did. Though I wish they kept the scarf.
          I’m more upset about what they did to my boy FANG
          For one THE ARMOR?! *Gag* I wanted to cry. The four armed armor looked so good why did they go and change it. What’s with Monsta and fvcking with this man’s wardrobe. 
          I get that Ppl are so upset about Beliung’s design. I’m more upset about HOW THEY CUT OUT THE MENTION OF FANG’S PARENTS SCENE WITH PAPILIAM ENTIRELY 
          Fang’s backstory has been in the dark for years. Most people down even know what has been revealed unless they read all the comics or searched it up. We finally get a key point  of mention in the comics that is vital to Fang’s character later on and they don’t even put it in the show COME ON MONSTA.
          I also missed Papileon’s sass and her sibling like relationship she had with Fang. I loved their banter. 
          Well the animation was fire especially in the final fight so I’ll give them that.
          *sigh* I think I got most of that out of my system. Tell me what you thought of this arc


@Iya_Spirit_Sparkle Well I mostly watched the dub growing up bc I watched it on Netflix in an English speaking country so I didn’t notice the change in voices. But I know Fang’s VA is the same person bc he the VA in both English and Malay and he sounded the same to me 




@Jcfuntime I havent watched all the episodes but by hearing what my little brother had told me, it was WAY different from the comic. I think Ill just stick to the comic I kinda like it better. Another thing, why do their coices sound so weird I kiss their old voices


Sorry for the long wait, but I’ve been on holiday for my cousin’s wedding and won’t be back until Thursday. We’ve been doing so much stuff I’ve been drained every night. 
          Hopefully by this weekend I’ll get some stuff out.


I have a lot of things I can update so what do you guys want?
          (Not meeting the family I already did like 3 updates on that book)


@Jcfuntime Hope I'm not too late but Taken|LMK story 


Hey listeners! I need some help on a new personal story I’m doing.
          It’s called the Lost 10. It’s about 10 experimented children with powers who are numbered 1-10. Their names are supposed to come from the codes they were given with their related number while in confinement like:
          No. 8- Experiment *K8-C* or “Casey”
          No. 9- Experiment *DI- 9A* or “Diana”
          No.10-  Experiment *FN-10* or “Fenton”
          I need to find names for the kids no. 1- 7, I’ve got some ideas but none that’s great, I need some ideas. If you have any ideas please share. I’ve drawn out Casey, Diana and Fenton but I need some names down before I draw the others. 


@0aashiqah0 it’s still in the works, haven’t completely finished the plot yet. I’m working on characters rn


@Jcfuntime ok now I'm even more excited to read this story you have made


@0aashiqah0 well the Lost 10 were scientifically made  experiments and they were successful and alive, but with every success there are failures you know 