
Thinking about creating a Duke Devlin one shot/story… thoughts


I’m about 75% done the 5th chapter on the sequel to midnight Breeze. I have a feeling this is going to be a long story


awesomeee i loveeee long stories


wtf, your book is weird in a bad way. And you spelt jellybean.


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@Jeallybean129 Actually, it does have a plot. Have you read the first chapter? Plus, it's over 3 sentences dumbass.
             Also, I think you mean " I don’t know why you're being mean, I’ve done nothing to you. There’s nothing wrong with my story, it makes sense and if you don’t like fine you don’t. Not everyone is going to, but you don’t have to be rude about it. And no yours is not better. Yours has no plot, it’s all over the place and the chapters are only 3 sentences long... so boring." " oh, and just because I write about a specific genre of music and just one character doesn't make me a freak and it's J-Rock by the way not J-pop get your facts right.
            Also, mine is not all over the place, and all my facts are right. J-rock and J-pop is the same. You know you're very cringy to Japanese people, how you may ask? It's because you're talking to one right now. I showed all my friends that are Japanese your stories and guess what bitch? THEY ALL THOUGHT THEY WERE ALL CRINGY


@MaryAnn_Gregor016 I actually hate it. Mine's better.