
I’ve been thinking about writing something to do with TSP and SCP. However, if I write it, that’ll mean Hold will be postponed. I’m not sure yet; but I do have a general idea of what I wanna write for this AU in particular. I’ve posted a video on my tiktok about this and what I have generally planned, still not sure whether to write it now or just continue writing Hold. 


I’ve been thinking about writing something to do with TSP and SCP. However, if I write it, that’ll mean Hold will be postponed. I’m not sure yet; but I do have a general idea of what I wanna write for this AU in particular. I’ve posted a video on my tiktok about this and what I have generally planned, still not sure whether to write it now or just continue writing Hold. 


Verrryyy tempted to add Mariella as a temporary character for the fic I'm writing, (Hold obv) I have a few ideas that I could relay and utilise but I don't know yet; Would it even make sense if she just popped outta nowhere? Well, maybe. If Stanley did the insanity ending (Without the Narrator realising) and somehow managed to communicate with her, then maybe requested for her to go to the museum to see if the Curators there...Gah dayum the possibility there is great. Should I?


@JeanGunnhildrily yesss! I would really love that 


@JeanGunnhildrily yesss!! That would be awesome