So....I'm in the middle of the second paragraph, and I don't even know yet. Just tell me what you think about this right now.
Alice gripped the knife in her hands as she begun to shake. She had bitten her lip and now she was bleeding in two places. She looked at her reddened arm and sighed, as she had begun to look for a bandage. She wanted to die, she really HAD tried to cut her arm off at least. Maybe it would help what she felt.
Alice was sixteen. Her birthday had been months ago in October. She had no one to celebrate it with, and this made her mad. Why couldn’t she be one of the orphans who had been adopted or had a family? Why, just why she asked. Alice was skinny, but enough to not be called some word like anorexic. She had long dark black hair to about the middle of her back, and she had green eyes. Yeah, she went to school. She kinda HAD to go. But, she never spoke to anyone. People would stare at her, more than likely because she wore a big sweater when it was about 80F outside.
- #JustWriteIt