
Planning to edit last third of "Mystical Aria: Starship Diary" during July 4th weekend. I'm calling it a novelcation. What r u writing?


I'm stuck in a parking garage waiting in line behind dozens of cars that can't exit due to faulty card machine. Wish I had paper and pen 2 write.


OMG, I was in that dang parking lot for 1 hr 20 minutes!!! Thankfully didn't have to pay $10 to get out. They finally got the entrance gate open so cars could leave out the wrong way.  How was your day?


I'm hunkered down for the weekend in Atlanta, expecting sleet/snow tonight and tomorrow. Two inches of snow throws this southern city into a panic. Wherever you are, check out new paragraphs I've added for "Mystical Aria" Vol 1 or 2. Love yr feedback!


Happy New Year! I've added content for both "Mystical Aria" books today. If you want to receive 2 free chapters of the first book, go to www.JeanNeffGuthrie and click "Connect me with Aria" (Aria Vanir is the psychic tween protagonist). Wishing you prosperity for 2017!