
Yikes, anyone know how to remove the text to speech option on your stories? Just listened to a soulless computer voice narrating Lair of Beasts and am honestly so profoundly underwhelmed and appalled that anyone would listen to that horrendous colorless voice attempt to humanize a story. 
          	Sorry Wattpad, but that’s a huge fail. Rather pay a real person to narrate a story. 
          	Am I wrong?! 


@JeanineCroft yes a better voice would be great but some other services with more human voices also get it wrong. Galatea for example often has the inflections comically wrong which can be worse than a neutral voice at times. 


The built in text to voice on a phone cannot be easily paused on headphones, cannot rewind other than by paragraph and randomly changes accent if there is anything that is or looks like another language. There are too many bugs to list. But the Wattpad tool controls are much better and it’s built to work with the software so it’s a bit better. 


@trexlikesbooks that’s a fair point, my dear. For visioned impaired it makes total sense, I wish that it was a more human sounding experience or paid actors. I was more referring to people with zero vision issues who choose to listen to it over reading. Appreciate your response :)


"Hi everyone! If you’re into fantasy, romance, and stories with compelling characters, I’d love for you to check out my story. It’s a labor of love, and I think you’ll enjoy the twists, turns, and emotions. Your support and feedback would mean the world to me!"


as a fellow author i’ve only read one of your books thus far and you by far need to independently publish at the least! you have a talent! keep up the good work! (even tho i wanted to punch aria in the face some time lol the characterization of her and giving her flaws is something you don’t see often with books on here)