I've been trying to comment on Back to Where I've Never Been all day. For some reason the inline comments wouldn't work nor the general comments. But the book is so good and really well-written. I would have loved to have continued reading it. There were a lot of great and really well thought out moments. I hope you decide to continue one day. :)
@BelenChavezMatias i had to take them down because the boom is being published. I kept the boom up on wattpad so i can inform all the readers when its out on Amazon
@KhoaV25 The title is on Wattpad as a placeholder so I can update those that were reading before it got accepted by the publisher. As of right now, we are in the final stages of editing before the book goes to Amazon.
@HaileyBelle867 Thanks for asking, sorry I am just getting back to you now. As of right now the book is being held back because my publisher didn't like the job the editor did in the second round. They are in-house editing right now. I will let you know when I hear back from them