
Today is my birthday, so I may be spending the next few hours helping my mother get the party ready. Just letting you guys know in case you need to reach out to me for anything 


@JediAura happy birthday chief


hello there, I just wanted to let you know that I have followed but the fricking thing is bugging out so, do know that I am followed it's just Wattpad is being a pain.


            *high fives back* My main Sonic OC uses aura powers like Lucario as well


@JediAura my man! (High-five)!


Today is my birthday, so I may be spending the next few hours helping my mother get the party ready. Just letting you guys know in case you need to reach out to me for anything 


@JediAura happy birthday chief


          Uh….no disrespect and I’m not trying to be rude, but I don’t think the title you gave is accurate to the fanfic. 
          Maybe something like
          “What if Deku joined the Justice League?”
          “What if Deku was in DCAU?”
          “What if Justice League was in MHA?”
          I appreciate my work being read aloud on YouTube, but I noticed some people in the comments section confused and pointing out stuff without knowing the context.


Happy Valentine’s Day to my followers! I guess for the sake of matching with the theme, is there anything you want me to update on the weekend that involves ships or love in general like my Sonic ship opinion book or Sonic vs ships? Or would you want to start something new like a story centered on one or more certain ships or maybe even a Yandere fanfic?


@JediAura Happy Valentine’s Day


            Sure, that sounds fun to read.


Hey, just curious, did you ever RP Sailor Moon?


@JediAura I'm currently on MCU. I hope that won't be a problem if we do a crossover rp of that and Sailor Moon


            Are we talking MCU or classic Marvel like in animated shows and comics?


Hi Author,
          I hope you’re doing well. I manage the The Fiction World YouTube Channel (link below), where I create "what if" scenarios for Deku and MHA, inspired by fanfiction stories I read and analyze. I’d love it if you could check out my channel.
          Would it be okay for me to adapt your work into an audio format for my channel? I’ll give you full credit and include your links in the video and description.
          Thanks for your time! I look forward to hearing from you.
          Channel Link:


            I appreciate you reaching out to me, I just need to establish a few things with you before you adapt my story for YouTube 
            1: Given how old Season 1 is, it’s bound to have some mistakes I made when typing it in a rush, so keep that in mind when putting it up there.
            2: I haven’t gotten back to updating Season 2 yet due to my full time day job taking up most of my week, I’m currently trying to move to a part time job that pays better so I’ll have more days off to focus on chapters.
            I ask that you please be patient with me so I can get Season 2 eventually worked on.
            Keep in mind my story is still evolving in things like ships, mentors and even what DC characters I can bring into the story, so I hope this won’t be a problem either
            Regardless, I really appreciate and love that you chose my fanfic crossover for your channel.
            I give author’s permission to for you to post audio of my story for your YouTube channel with credit to my name