If you know the answer to anything, or to this, or to anything similar please tell me. If you think you have something important to tell me, please tell me, no one has the right to judge you, you have the right to say what you feel. Also, I´m not judging rich people , they just don´t know, or they purposely deny they do things wrong. It doesn´t mean they're necessarily bad, unless if they choose to; Good people do bad things. They most likely aren't aware of it, or don´t know how to do better than they are doing. Because that of which they are blind. I´m not saying poor people are dumb, they just aren't aware of the possibilities in truth. Same with most other people. I´m just having difficulty explaining things that most don´t see. Also, Society is blinding. It is a sin, it relies on money, and many other things. And I speak of a certain Society. The one that doesn´t care for lives and future lives. Not just human life. Every life. I have much more to say. But can´t say it all right now.
I also have a Wordpress blog, Link: https://stochasticchild915490481.wordpress.com/
And mostly, you should know, I observe how others act and many other things, and I reflect on these things and begin to find truths behind many things. So should you.