Something bad happened to my phone where I saved all my plans regarding "The Yellow Shirt"
Now I'm having troubles remembering them. By the way there are some magical beings in our town, a reason why I'm not allowed to write or imagine horror stories anymore. It might trigger negative things in me xD. Mom prevents me to write horror or sad stories soooo I'm making a new positive one's instead. I might also start writing in Filipino but I'll write it in English first.
Dang I experienced something really weird this year , that it changed my mind set . Now I need to change how I write too. It's gonna be hard ;-; Sorry if I was gone for months. Something magical , in a bad way , came up xD Can't tell anyone. But after seeing things by myself , I now believe in magic xD shhhh. Keep it a secret guys. Province life is kind of peculiar.
I hope you're all having a great time.