
Guys I was half through the Lawlicht chapter for the truth serum in my one-shots book but stupid Wattpad didn't properly save it so I have to retype it. So anyway it's delayed for a few more days ^^''


So, I've started working on chapter 4 of Servamp: of broken bonds and sorrows today but I can't tell when I'll be able to keep writing it nor when it will be published.
          I know every writer must give the same excuse (probably), but yeah. There is university, homework, family... And sometimes I just don't have the inspiration, but I figure this also apply to others. I have an overall view of the plot for this story, but not quite sure about the details and how I'll develop the relationships yet.
          (Also I've been doing another story last month, so.)
          Servamp will always be one of my fav fandom, though, so you will definitely get those chapters one day or another.
          (I love you all)


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ayeee never got around to your message board to post this, but thanks for the support on my (crappy) servamp random shit book (*´∇`*) here's to more (utterly random) chapters (╥╯﹏╰╥)ง


@Nemuruyukine crap, never got round to replying. SAME THO, I NEED MORE OF EM SKSKSK


@ noxiousseraph  I mean you're welcome, I really love this manga so you can imagine the delight when someone posts a good story AND there's Jekuni (I need more of these two )


Hello everyone, I have a few things to say about both my main story and my one-shots book. First, I will publish chapter 24 this week-end so you won't have to wait for much longer. I know I used to publish more frequently but it's not possible anymore with exams and all . And secondly, I came up with several ideas for one-shots and would like your opinion on wich to write first. So here are the ideas (they are mostly Jekuni to be honest) :
          - You know I mentionned Mikuni having a fever back during c3 days in my fic so. 
          - I could make a sequel for my first one-shot.
          - "Mikuni often has nightmares, be it about the past or something else. One in particular terrifies him more than he would have thought would."
          - "Johannes mixes weird potions with the eves' drinks" compilation. Those will involve Kuromahi and Lawlicht as well.
          That being said, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and celebrate well.


Pls update The Jeje x Mikuni fanfic pls pls pls
          I love it sooo pls pls pls pls


It's ok and no problem. 


@ Mis_Kuro  thank you for your support! I will do that soon but it's an important chapter so I don't want to rush ^^ Thank you again anyways 