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Hello my loves! It's Jenny here and I am here to apologize on not updating for who knows how long. This is not an excuse. It's a reason why I haven't been updating but so active in wattpad. A lot was going on at home and it's kinda made me not think of writing but trust me, there was times that I wrote here and here. I just ran into writers block so I stopped and worried about my problems at home since they were really bad. It's fine nothing is wrong now. I am very happy now but there is things going on still that have my mind fucked up but I'm not gonna let that stop me from writing because to be honest, I miss writing. I've missed it so much that I went back to my previous chapters of my books and I CRINGED. I did not like my writing. It made me cringe and I noticed a lot of errors with my grammar, my English, and my plot. So I made a huge decision to rewrite my stories. Don't worry, everything will be the same just the way I told the story will be different. It's gonna be much better I promise. But it's gonna take awhile so unfortunately I will be putting my books on hold. Especially Misty Girl. I can't work on two books at once. Especially when Abilities is a big book and my heart is mostly at that book. I'm gonna be working on Abilities first and I advise you to reread it again because things will be changed a little. Nothing too big or small. And no I will not take down the books. I'll leave them in there for others to discover the story before it's changed. So yeah that's pretty much it. I don't know when I'll update but I will let you know when I'm ready to update. Thank you loves for understanding. See ya! -Jen