I wonder if people pay attention to small stuff. If they pay attention to the small cries of others around them. I wonder if anyone has learned something this summer.
One thing I've learned is that our world is blind to the most simplist stuff: love, hatred, sadness....... Why though? Why do we have to live in a world where others want to kill themselves due to the actions of others? Why? You may read this and think something is wrong with me, and honestly, yeah, something is wrong with me! For the last few months I've had the worst stuff go down. I have has the worst thoughts I've ever had. No one really knows what those thoughts are, you know why? I haven't said anything. I have kept quiet.... silently thinking to myself. Well I am tired of staying quiet!! I want my voice to be heard!! And this year I want my friends to do the same as well! I want them to stand up and let their voices be heard!!