
Hi everyone! Sorry for being gone for so long, senior year has been a lot. I wanted to give an update on Hell’s Princess. I’ve seen a couple of things saying that Tommy isn’t comfortable with x reader fics. I haven’t seen a clip saying this but to be on the safe side I probably won’t update until I figure it out. I write fics for fun and I never want to make anyone uncomfortable. If you guys have a clip or can confirm he’s ok with fics like mine I’ll continue but if not I wanted to get your input. Would you guys rather me change names and make it an original story, or just edit it so that it reads as platonic? 


Hi everyone! Sorry for being gone for so long, senior year has been a lot. I wanted to give an update on Hell’s Princess. I’ve seen a couple of things saying that Tommy isn’t comfortable with x reader fics. I haven’t seen a clip saying this but to be on the safe side I probably won’t update until I figure it out. I write fics for fun and I never want to make anyone uncomfortable. If you guys have a clip or can confirm he’s ok with fics like mine I’ll continue but if not I wanted to get your input. Would you guys rather me change names and make it an original story, or just edit it so that it reads as platonic? 


Hi everyone! I just wanted to give you guys an update. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, my mom was out of town for a while so I had a lot more to do and my anxiety has been acting up. Hopefully this week will be less stressful and I can get a chapter of Hell's Princess out. Sorry again to everyone waiting on that! I love you guys! Thanks for your patience!


Don’t stress yourself out! Take your time