@Jelsalover213 ......! I don't care if I never will be loved by my own familly I had to go though things more horible then u!! the be quite nd stop talking to me!!
I know I'm going to the bezch for 2 days but why u always don't come? why!? u don't have friends at school and u have good grades and even u won't listen to ur bro. and even our parents won't dare to ask u why? is that!
@Jelsalover213 u don't need to know! and stop talking to meh! no 1needs to know and I don't care if I don't have friends I like being alone like I said! and no 1 can do anything about it yaa know! and it dosent matter if I don't come I can take care of meh self! I may be 10 but I can handle meh self!!
@Jelsalover213 I saw what u posted on meh profile and no I will not come out even thoguh u rarely see me I like being alone and besides u have the dogs and u going to the beach for 2 days right well I'm not coming like always..