So part 8 has been posted for over a week now, if not two. The next part is just sitting in my drafts waiting for it's turn. It should have been posted already, but I just haven't made time to write on part 10.
So that is what I've done... this morning. It's 3 am now and I didn't start typing on it until midnight. Now I'm feeling like I have to read back over the last chapter to 1, remember what I was suppose to write, and 2, keep details straight.
I think I just counted something wrong, but I don't want to go back and read over what I just did, because for some odd reason I feel like I'm backsliding and I know I shouldn't. But I will have to, so I don't have to write myself out of a bigger hole if I find out later how wrong I was.
So part 9 will be posted when I'm just about done with part 10. I'm planning on it being the last part to this story.