
          	So part 8 has been posted for over a week now, if not two. The next part is just sitting in my drafts waiting for it's turn. It should have been posted already, but I just haven't made time to write on part 10. 
          	So that is what I've done... this morning. It's 3 am now and I didn't start typing on it until midnight. Now I'm feeling like I have to read back over the last chapter to 1, remember what I was suppose to write, and 2, keep details straight. 
          	I think I just counted something wrong, but I don't want to go back and read over what I just did, because for some odd reason I feel like I'm backsliding and I know I shouldn't. But I will have to, so I don't have to write myself out of a bigger hole if I find out later how wrong I was.
          	So part 9 will be posted when I'm just about done with part 10. I'm planning on it being the last part to this story. 


          So part 8 has been posted for over a week now, if not two. The next part is just sitting in my drafts waiting for it's turn. It should have been posted already, but I just haven't made time to write on part 10. 
          So that is what I've done... this morning. It's 3 am now and I didn't start typing on it until midnight. Now I'm feeling like I have to read back over the last chapter to 1, remember what I was suppose to write, and 2, keep details straight. 
          I think I just counted something wrong, but I don't want to go back and read over what I just did, because for some odd reason I feel like I'm backsliding and I know I shouldn't. But I will have to, so I don't have to write myself out of a bigger hole if I find out later how wrong I was.
          So part 9 will be posted when I'm just about done with part 10. I'm planning on it being the last part to this story. 


Hello people,
          I've read over part 8 last night and all that I have written of part 9 this morning. I might actually be able to call it a completed part and start on part 10 once I fix a few things near the end. 
          It feels like I wrote this bit, then went back and changed enough of the story, that it's almost none sense at this point. 
          Now, if I can get this ending squared up and start on part 10, then I'll be posting part 8 this weekend. :D
          Also, at this point I feel like part 10 will be the end of the story, if not 11. But I don't feel we'll get that far. 
          Then maybe I work on something short before tackling one of my books again. I keep thinking about all my longer stories. But maybe I'll go back to Stories Of Maids and see if I can get that done. The thing is, it more of a collection of short stories than one big story. 
          So does it count as something short before the book or the book itself? I guess it could be both. 


I'm thinking of posting my newest story here, but there is that first part. So far, I have only had two really sexual parts. I was going to say sexy, but it's a bit beyond that. 
          But I've trying to keep this profile/account from being scrubbed from the servers too. Granted, I don't have the following I did before, but if I get booted this time I'm not coming back. 
          Maybe one day I'll face facts and just close this down. 
          To my 8 followers, where can I move to where I can actually post x-rated stories and hopefully get feed back?


          I've posted part three of A World of Opportunities over on my blogger page, and I've just finished reading over part 6. I'm using Grammarly to help make me sound/appear like I can really string a good set of words together, and it's telling me that my 'sore' for this bit is 87 or something like that. I would like it be at least 90 before I move on to reading/correcting the next part. 
          And this would be why I'm only posting one part a week. I would like to read over  all the parts that I've written and have the last part completed by the time it's due to be posted. Hence while still on my computer at almost 3:30 am. I'm trying to get this done and I can't afford to stay up late during the week. 
          So, there is my progress report. See you in a week or two. 
          OH! Did you see the new very short story that I posted here? Jewel? 


Hello, Yeah. I'm still around. 
          I've finally started to post the follow up story to A World of Fantasies. It's called A World Of Opportunities. Yeah, I didn't stray far so people can maybe think they are related. I'm going to have to put some kind of note, when the book is done, near the front so readers know there was a book before this one. 
          Anyway, I'm here to let you know that the first part/chapter is now up on my blogger. I don't know if I have a link to it in my profile here, but if I don't it's jemspages . blogspot . com but without the spaces. 
          I just posted a link to the first story incase people forgot what that was all about or if they missed it completely. 


Yeah, I can't remember to post updates for the story. So I'm uploading in batches when I remember. 
          But at least I'm down to two parts now. If I'm lucky I'll remember to upload tomorrows sometime tomorrow. If not, you will get the last two when I remember to post again.


So, I totally forgot that I was suppose to be posting on here again. That's embarrassing. 
          So I've just published the two posts that should have already been up. The next one I'm going to try to remember to post tonight right after I do my posting over at DA. 


I'm not dead. :bowing:
          I just realized that I didn't repost "The Gift" and that it is a safe story. There is kissing and a little grinding near the end, but no one gets naked. So it's up again. 
          I remember it was well liked. 
          Oddly enough I started to read over and fix the last two parts/chapters of my follow up story that I've been telling you about for forever. 
          I really have not touched it in months when I made myself do something before the year was out. I think the pandemic year of 2020 was better to me than this year has been. 
          Either way. I'm near the end with that story. I think I said I just had to come up with an ending and that I had an idea of what that could be at one point. I have a ghost memory of that idea, so I'll see what I can do, but I don't think I will need more than 2 more chapters/parts to get it done. 
          I guess I can aim to have it done by my birthday. It's the 12th of Jan by the way. 
          Oh, 'The Gift'. I will be publishing one part a day. It's my own self bribe / condition to get me back into this whole writing thing again. 
          And as always, if you see mistakes let me know so I can fix them. 


          No, I am not posting yet. I hope to get some work on the story today. 
          No, this is related to my old Wattpad account. 
          I had to dig through my spam folder for something and I saw about three emails from Wattpad saying that they were notifying me about rule breaking stories on my profile. 
          So, I was notified, but I’m not clear on if this was just for the stories they took down before, or for the killing of my page. I guess because they did point out links, they were talking about specific stories. At least in some of them. I don’t think I looked at all the emails I found. But once again I was informed in those emails that they didn’t have to notify me of their enforcement of the rules. 
          So yeah, someone reported me and I was wrong when I said that I wasn’t notified at all. 
          So there is that. I will be posting a screen shot of the emails over on my blogger site. 