
this message may be offensive
Hey everyone. I just wanted to say that I haven't really been updating because I've been having a serious case of writers block. I think I'm making a comeback on January 1st. I haven't really been doing well, anti depressants haven't been making me truly happy. I've tried to be my happiest recently but it's just hard. My severe depression is back and... I've been getting suicidal thoughts. I know I've haven't updated in a long time but bear with me here, if you were in my position you wouldn't be in the mood to write. I'm just tired of how shit my life is. I want... I want things to just go back to normal. I'm stressed and super unhappy with my position in life right now. 
          	I'll be back next year so you guys don't have to worry about me. 
          	And thank you for 100 followers. Knowing that people actually enjoy my works brightens my gloomy and dark life. 


this message may be offensive
Hey everyone. I just wanted to say that I haven't really been updating because I've been having a serious case of writers block. I think I'm making a comeback on January 1st. I haven't really been doing well, anti depressants haven't been making me truly happy. I've tried to be my happiest recently but it's just hard. My severe depression is back and... I've been getting suicidal thoughts. I know I've haven't updated in a long time but bear with me here, if you were in my position you wouldn't be in the mood to write. I'm just tired of how shit my life is. I want... I want things to just go back to normal. I'm stressed and super unhappy with my position in life right now. 
          I'll be back next year so you guys don't have to worry about me. 
          And thank you for 100 followers. Knowing that people actually enjoy my works brightens my gloomy and dark life. 


Hey guys! It's me. As you know I might not be on Wattpad for a while I actually tried to download the app but I need the software update IOS 7.0 and I only have IOS 6.1. But do not worry because my computer is getting fixed. Yes I said I didn't have a computer and I don't, not at this moment. So I will publish my first part of a new book in a few weeks or so. I really hate not being able to use Wattpad properly I  actually on Safari right now so it's really slow. Anyways I will keep you guys informed!