
Hey there, I think that you have @Colslaw50's OC, Potato the Hivewing, who is in fact named after a potato beetle, as I was the one who came up with the name. Now, I'm being polite and asking you to kindly delete/unpublished the chapter in which Potato is featured in. I understand that you may not have any good ideas, and I think I'm speaking for both Colslaw and I when I say that all we want is for you to return this OC. At least ask before you feature someone else's OC. Thanks


Also you never denied the fact that you stole her OC


I'm sorry, but in reality I'm quite kalm. My cat is purring on my lap as i type this and its raining outside. Also, I'm afraid i cannot "shut up" its literally impossible. Please just give Potato bacc to my fren, and all is well. Its all we ask for. Its a frippen dragon OC for goodness sake, there's millions of possibilities out there, I can even make you an OC if you'd like.


I don’t care. I hate it when people get on my a** about things that I’m not conserved about. Calm the heck down and shut up. 