
Hi everyone, 
          	As you can probably see, there are quite a few stories missing from my page. 
          	I deleted them. 
          	With regards to the interview that came out today… Jen with Allure, I feel that in my heart, I cannot keep those stories. 
          	Jen was so brave to discuss everything she did, and personally I just don’t feel comfortable with writing stories that link her and children together. 
          	I hope you can understand this, and if you don’t… well, that’s your problem. 
          	There will be a very small minority of stories I will keep, like my very first book, that has been complete for some time now. 
          	In the future, I will only be writing books with children that are based around Ross and Rachel, as they did indeed have a child in the show. 
          	Now, this doesn’t mean I won’t be writing anymore, because I will. It just means my books will be different. 
          	Thank you! 


Very mature and respectful decision ❤️ look forward to new RR chapters/stories from you along the way ☺️


the interview absolutely broke my heart! but we stand by her ❤️ 


Hi everyone, 
          As you can probably see, there are quite a few stories missing from my page. 
          I deleted them. 
          With regards to the interview that came out today… Jen with Allure, I feel that in my heart, I cannot keep those stories. 
          Jen was so brave to discuss everything she did, and personally I just don’t feel comfortable with writing stories that link her and children together. 
          I hope you can understand this, and if you don’t… well, that’s your problem. 
          There will be a very small minority of stories I will keep, like my very first book, that has been complete for some time now. 
          In the future, I will only be writing books with children that are based around Ross and Rachel, as they did indeed have a child in the show. 
          Now, this doesn’t mean I won’t be writing anymore, because I will. It just means my books will be different. 
          Thank you! 


Very mature and respectful decision ❤️ look forward to new RR chapters/stories from you along the way ☺️


the interview absolutely broke my heart! but we stand by her ❤️ 


Hi everyone! 
          I apologise for the lack of updates, I’m currently on vacation, so I’m taking this time to unwind and just relax, without the pressure of writing. I’m home next week, so once I’m settled and unpacked everything, I’ll get back on the grind!! 
          I’m still reading chapters you all upload, but I’m just taking a little break from writing so I can enjoy the sun, sea and the pool. 
          Love you all x 


Hey everyone! 
          I know I’ve been very MIA in regards of posting new chapters of all of my books, but I’ve just been so busy. 
          I have 4 weeks left of work, before I get a 6 week break. During that time, I’ll be able to update a lot more frequently, which I hope you’ll all be excited for!<3 
          But, within the next 4 weeks, I’m aiming to complete my justifer book as I think there are only 2 chapters of that book left, and then I’ll aim to finish my Roschel book ‘I Think We’ve Always Known’  (NOT MY MOST RECENT ONE) as there are only 3 chapters left of that one too. Then once those two are finished and complete, I can focus on my current Brennifer book ‘15 years on’ and my Courtifer book. I’ll also be starting to write the other chapters of my other Brennifer ‘Our Daughter’ book as I only published the first chapter as a sneak peek, so I really need to get my bum in gear on that one. 
          So, I apologise if this was a little rambly, but I just wanted to let you all know what I haven’t gone anywhere and I will be back to publishing frequently very soon. 
          All my love, 


Take your time sis, and good luck with the next 4 weeks xxx


Hey guys. 
          I doubt I’ll have any new chapters published this week as I’ve just testes positive for coronavirus‍♀️
          I hope you can all understand that I’ll need this time to get myself better. 


@Jenfaniston55 take care dear❤❤


don’t worry. i’ll wait for itttt. hope u to get better soon ❤️❤️❤️