
Just a another announcement, I now have a 'NeoBook' account that I may or may not use, but if you want to go follow it then you may, I'm not sure how you can find my user but the name is Jenna Holcomb and the user is  jenncides_books so yea, go support that I may do poems and stuff, but Wattpad is my main book publish sight!


Just a another announcement, I now have a 'NeoBook' account that I may or may not use, but if you want to go follow it then you may, I'm not sure how you can find my user but the name is Jenna Holcomb and the user is  jenncides_books so yea, go support that I may do poems and stuff, but Wattpad is my main book publish sight!


Hey y'all, just a little update on some stories and stuff like that!
          ~A Little Love!~ will not be updated anymore in the time being, I do have some on the next chapter but since I'm not 'in love' with the character anymore I have no motivation to keep on writing it, but I do thank all of the people that got that book to over 18k reads! Thanks sooo much! Also, the sightless wally book is also canceled because I turned the project into something else... 
          We all know Hazbin hotel correct? Well, your in for a treat because my next book is about my oc and Adam (Yes, I know that I've done that in the past but as y/n with the other 3 books, so I'm sorry but for the LOVE OF JESUS I KNOW ITS NOT Y/N- ok anyway) Since next week is the last week of school and I'm on summer break, I will be working on the next 3 chapters of that book, and hopefully all of you will like it because I like you will, or.. uh some people will. 
          But anyway, I hope I do have motivation to really put effort into my next book, and I know I promise smut in my books but in this one, I mean it. It's a Hazbin Hotel slightly modified canon book that's going to be released so I've got to add some spice into it you know, but anyway. Thank you all so much for the support and I'll see you, in my next book. Goodbye!




@nayomirodriguez010 I would if I could but I'm very busy atm, so my apologies


@Jennacide_storys wondering if I could rp with ya!//


!! ~A Little Love~ UPDATE AND MORE !! 
          Hello everyone!! I would just like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GETTING ~A Little Love~ TO 3K+ READS!! It like means so much to me, thank you. 
          Chpt. 6 is being worked on. So don't worry I will post more chapters they just take a while since idk what I want to put in them  
          Also... New book will be out AFTER I finsh ~A Little Love~ 
          If you like the au "Sightless Wally" then your in luck cus like ya 
          But thank y'all so much and enjoy reading!! 


          Hello everyone!! 
          I know all of you have been waiting on chapter 5 of -A Little Love- and I'm sorry ‍‍
          This chapter is going to be HUGE... Like I'm not even half way done  
          But please know that it will be posted, it's either Tomorrow or Wednesday, but yea
          Thanks for reading, and THANK Y'ALL SO MUCH FROM 1.6K READS THAT IS AWESOME!! 
          But anyway, thank all of you for reading my books and enjoy reading! 


          I thought I wasn't gonna post chapter 4 of -A Little Love- today but it's out!! 
          GO READ IT NOW!! And enjoy reading!! 


@Jennacide_storys all fine! Take your time I don't mind


@Shadow5408 I'm trying to work on it, I've been lazy and busy this past week but I am trying to work on it, sorry for the wait but I'll try to get it posted the coming Thursday


@Jennacide_storys When is chapter 5? No rush but it there a date?


!! DELAY !! 
          Hello everyone, 
          There will be a delay on me posting chapter 4 of -A Little Love- since I have been lazy but I will get it up and posted either later today or tomorrow or idk but yeah but I will get it posted! 
          Also thanks for over 300+ reads! That  means alot
          Anyway, happy reading, and enjoy my books! 


Ello everyone, 
          Next chapter for -A Little love- should be posted this Sunday! 
          Make sure you check out the 2 new chapters that were posted today!! 
          -She Pretty Good- Chpt. 2 
          -Secret's- Chpt. 3 
          Chapter 4 is coming soon! Be on the look out and have fun reading.